Our Story

Grounds for Restoration was created by a group of local abolitionists to support victims of human trafficking and violent abuse. We were looking for concrete, creative ways to combat injustice and contribute to the restoration and healing of trafficking survivors. As a result we spent three years creating a coffee company—a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to funding restoration homes for survivors of human trafficking in Pennsylvania and trafficking prevention and restoration efforts globally through organizations like International Justice Mission (IJM). We donate 100% of our profits to anti-trafficking and restoration efforts. We also pursue opportunities to speak to churches and synagogues, community organizations, and educational institutions to help them understand the nature and magnitude of the problem of modern-day slavery, and help them consider how they might join the fight.

 Our Mission

To generate funds through sales of high-quality coffee to support restoration of survivors of trafficking and violent abuse, while helping customers to understand, recognize, and help eradicate modern-day slavery.

 Our Vision

To be a substantial contributor to restoration efforts for trafficking survivors throughout the U.S. and overseas, and become an effective voice for enlisting individuals and organizations in the fight against modern-day slavery.

 Our Core Values

Human Dignity and Freedom. All people deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, and the opportunity to pursue personal goals and dreams without fear of oppression or violence. We demonstrate this value not only by what we support financially, but also in our business relationships and internal operations.

Economic and Social Justice. All workers deserve fair wages, safe working conditions, and a voice in how business is conducted. While this value includes producing goods or services that are affordable and accessible, this objective will not be pursued in a manner detrimental to workers.

Environmental Stewardship. All stages of commerce should intentionally consider their impact on precious resources and the physical environment.  As a result, continuous efforts are made to incorporate methods of production, distribution, and sales that cause the greatest benefit, or least harm, to the environment, while not losing sight of product accessibility.

Blessing throughout the Supply Chain. We seek to benefit and positively impact every organization in our supply chain: the coffee farm cooperatives, our importers, our roasters, our individual and organizational and wholesale customers, and our beneficiaries to whom we donate the profits.

Our Guiding Principles

Integrity and Transparency. All aspects of our business are conducted in an honest, open, and straightforward manner.

Financial Accountability. Our finances and business operations are subject to third party audits to ensure adherence to established laws, accounting standards, and consistency in providing benefit to our beneficiaries.

Pursuit of Excellence. Strategic planning is used to establish realistic goals, efficient operational standards, and measurable social benefit objectives.

Community Engagement. We believe our positive social impact is greatest when we actively educate and engage like-minded individuals, businesses, institutions, and other stakeholders.