Stories of Restoration

2020 Was Just the Beginning of My New Life
One of our residents recently shared that, while many people have stated that 2020 was one of the worst years of their life, she would never be able to say that 2020 was bad to her. She began the year homeless and hopeless, and she now lives in safety at The Ranch House, healing and growing and seeing a fresh hope for her family’s future.
Garden Gate Ranch’s 2020 Impact Report is full of incredible stories just like this one—testimonies from Ranch residents, staff, volunteers, and partners that point to a very good God who has blessed our ministry richly this past year.
Gorgeous, personal, inspiring—you won’t want to miss out on this impactful publication. We invite you into the uplifting stories of growth, the ministry milestones, and the financial reviews that are recorded in our annual Impact Report and make up one remarkable year of healing.